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I've been thinking✨

Are we following a follower of another follower?

Guys think about it for a moment...

How many decisions that you've made in the last week were actually yours?

Like time you wake up, places you visit, when you eat, what you eat, how you feel

We do have thoughts but nobody's thinking. And I get it because none of us are trying to play the victim.

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Power of Confidence

There's one saying that I've discovered today: Confidence is required for you to manifest.

Whether you believe in manifestation or not, confidence is a (if not the most) common trait in high-achievers around the world.

If you want to live a luxurious life, then it's worth asking what is confidence...

Can we touch it, taste it, smell it or see it?

Not really. But we certainly can feel it.

That is a good description of confidence; feeling good in your own skin.

Some days confidence comes easier. But what I’ve learned is that if I collect evidence of something, it becomes proof that I can, and therefore I am confident about it.

Example: my gym app tells me I’ve been to the gym 5 x in one week, I now feel confident that I can be consistent with my fitness.

Whereas if my bank app tells me I dip into my overdraft every month, I’m not particularly confident that I can live within my current means.

So collect evidence to gain proof to boost confidence 😉

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Hi powerful guy!

Why are you doing this?

I keep asking myself this question from yesterday's morning walk. 

So, what happened? 

Yesterday I met my elderly neighbor while walking down the street and as we were talking about career, she said to me one thing: 

"Do what you enjoy."❤️ 

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Hi everyone! Glad to be here :-)

Interested to hear if this is relatable... I recently visited family back in Finland and I have often found that I revert right back to being a rebellious teen as soon as I go home. This time I could really pinpoint why. As I am becoming clearer on my values I see how they do not align with the values of my family of origin. This has been challenging, and it has always been easier for me to love them from a distance.

This is however the first time that I accepted it, instead of giving in to the "need to escape" and disappointment that happens when I am confronted with it.

And now after returning back to England I feel strangely empowered about the notion that I am my own person and I do not need to agree with my family and…

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He wanted you to know this...

The 7 Hermetic Principles, written by Thoth (Egyptian Deity) otherwise known as Hermes Trismegistus (Greek God "Thrice Greatest"). You may have heard of Law of Attraction or Alchemy... well Thoth wrote the 7 basic Principles on the Emerald Tablet over 5,000 years ago. All "manifestation" / "Law of Attraction" teachings draw on these principles. These 7 Principles govern Reality, Consciousness and the Universe itself. The 7 Principles: 1. Mentalism ("The All is Mind") 2. Correspondence ("As above and so below") 3. Vibration ("Everything moves, nothing rests, everything vibrates") 4. Rhythm ("Everything has its season") 5. Cause and Effect ("Every Effect has its Cause and every Cause has its Effect") 6. Polarity ("Everything has its Poles") 7. Gender ("Everything has a Masculine or Feminine energy") Simple, yet profound. As real as gravity.

This is comforting

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Share the biggest thing that you thing is holding you back...

I think the lack of focus is holding me back, i was going to say lack if time but you can make time for things you really want to do (like getting up at 5am to go to the gym 4 time a week) so it must be something else and will all the other priorities it has to be a lack of focus

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